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Expedition Z

Expedition Z was a competition sponsored by HP und NASA Tech Briefs, which featured designing a solution for urgent problems concerning life in space on the ISS. Based on the submitted ideas, 5 team members for the teams of Germany, France and Great Britain were selected. These teams competed to win a parabolic flight in Florida. I was selected as one of the members of team Germany.

Expedition Z team: from the left Theo, Tanja, Andreas (team leader), Doro, Bruno, Andrés

This was the proposal of Team Germany:


Unfortunately we didn't make it to victory. Therefore:

Congratulations to Team France!

You can now watch the summary of the competition!

Day 1

The location of the workshop was an old, but still used library in the observatory Hamburg Bergedorf. HP as the main sponsor of the event not only kindly payed for the travel expenses and catering, but also provided the mecessary hardware for the workshop.

After the first get-together and presentation of each submitted idea from the team members, we get into discussing what our solution for improving life on the ISS should be. Following are a few impressions from day one.

A film team was also there - again a new experience

Lunch break in the observatory cafe

Brainstorming for our idea

In the evening: we celebrate our idea at the Italian restaurant

Day 2

Only one day left and at 6:30 p.m. we need to leave for the airport! Now we need to speed up so our idea takes shape and the presentation is ready for submittal before we leave!

Captain Bruno at the CAD workstation

Again Bruno

Preparation of the presentation

We check everything

Farewell at the airport Hamburg