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Research project:
Aftereffects of parabolic flights

What this is about

Who has taken part in a parabolic or zero-g flight might know this feeling: After the flight, you are standing on the ground, sitting in the hotel eating dinner etc. and suddenly it is there again, this feeling of being about to take off or to be suddenly floating again...

No, you are not really floating, but the feeling can be very real. And if you have experienced this too, you are not alone. This is also commonly referred to as "flashback" and many participants of zero-g flights know it. But there are rarely any reports in the internet and also it seems to be hardly investigated.

To change this and to start with a statistic analysis concerning experience or non-experience, frequency, intensity, duration and so on, and also to find out about possible circumstances on the flight that could facilitate or inhibit these experiences, I have created a questionnaire.

First evaluation

Since meanwhile 23 participants have sent in questionnaires, I have decided to do a first statistical evaluation. You can read it here: Evaluation

More participants wanted

To get enough data, I am looking for participants who have at least once taken part in a zero-g flight or who will do this very soon and who are willing to take some time for filling out a questionnaire (ca. 10 - 30 min, depending on how elaborate your answers are). The data will be kept confidential, the statistics will be anonymized. If you want to be informed about the progress of this project (results etc., as soon as I have enough data), you can be set on a separate e-mail list.

Of course you are also invited to participate if you didn't have flashbacks, these data are also important!

If you are interested in taking part and for receiving the questionnaire please contact me here:

Tanja Lehmann
Kaspar-Kerll-Str. 19
D-81245 Munich

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